The Future of Care Technology

The Future of Care Technology

Miltä terveydenhuollon tulevaisuus näyttää? Meillä oli ilo puhua kokeneen fysioterapeutin, lääketieteen tutkijan ja opettajan, tohtori Mariosin kanssa, joka toimii New Jerseyssä - ja on yleensä kiireinen johtaessaan fysioterapiaklinikkaansa. Lue alta, miltä hänen mielestään digitaalisen hoitoteknologian tulevaisuus näyttää, ja katso, miten hänen potilaansa ovat reagoineet joogaan osana kuntoutusmatkaansa. Tohtori Marios jakaa myös kolme vinkkiä, jotka voivat auttaa sinua pysymään virkeänä työpäivän aikana.


95% hänen potilaistaan käyttää PhysiApp:ia

Klinikan omistaja vuodesta 2019

2 vuoden opetuskokemus

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Get to know Dr. Marios

  • Founder of Branch Physical Therapy
  • Background in medical research and teaching
  • Loves anatomy, biology, science, sports, and the human interaction
  • Hobbies: yoga and a variety of different sports

Essential digital tools

When Dr. Marios founded his clinic, the pandemic had just flipped our world upside down. It was natural for him to include a variety of different digital tools on his website; reviews, easy booking, and social media accounts. He believes that in today’s world, it is crucial to make patient journey’s as easy as possible - agreed! What he also found valuable was to provide digital care technology for the patient to succeed, and this is where Physitrack came along.

“Lots of people started working remotely, and it was possible for them. I thought it should be possible for my profession too. When I found Physitrack, it was exactly what I needed.”

We also had a little fun and played around with the idea: What will digital care technology look like in 10 years?

When we think about digital care developments, it is safe to say that the health technology field is moving rapidly. Virtual reality has already entered the market with innovative care solutions for different psychological conditions and chronic diseases, just to mention a few. Dr. Marios is expecting VR to grow and become a popular digital care tool in patient care for physical rehabilitation as well.

“Maybe we will have the technology that the patient can record themselves three dimensionally where we receive accurate measurements. I can only imagine what will happen in five to ten years, but I am here for it.”

Yoga, the hidden secret

Let’s go back to the present moment and talk yoga and rehabilitation. Dr. Marios practices yoga himself but also recommends it to his patients. He believes yoga is fantastic for the mind and the body. “You will work on your balance, strength, range of motion, and most importantly your breath. My patients have loved it, and I think it is a hidden secret in a sense. I can recommend it to everyone.”

See our yoga selection here.

How to boost energy levels?

Lastly, we touched on work ergonomics. What do people currently struggle with the most?

“We are all guilty of it. Occasionally we work in poor-ergonomic positions. It is easy to sit on the sofa, or perhaps convenient to work at the kitchen table, but then inevitably we find ourselves in a bad posture. The most common problems with the working population relate to the neck and upper back, but there are ways we can prevent these sorts of problems.”

Dr. Marios’ 3 work ergonomic tips:

  • Put an alarm on your phone and get up and move every hour
  • If possible, get an ergonomic chair
  • Create a habit. Maybe before every meeting, you do a simple stretch for a couple of minutes!
  • Also, read his tips for lower back pain here.

We thank Dr. Marios for his time and hope you enjoyed reading this story.

Tiesitkö, että Physitrack kirjastossa on työergonomiasisältöä? Ehkä asiakkaasi tai sinä itse hyötyisitte siitä? Löydät oppimateriaaleja täältä.

Do you want to share your story with us? The get in touch with Anna at


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Image from Movement Clinic

Movement Clinic mahdollistaa liikkumisen kohti suurempaa tarkoitusta

Movement Clinic etsii aina keinoja parantaakseen potilaittensa toipumista. Ottaessaan käyttöön Physitrackin he ottivat aimo askeleen auttaakseen potilaita saavuttamaan paremman hyvinvoinnin ja liikkeen.

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Image from Movement Clinic

Movement Clinic mahdollistaa liikkumisen kohti suurempaa tarkoitusta

Movement Clinic etsii aina keinoja parantaakseen potilaittensa toipumista. Ottaessaan käyttöön Physitrackin he ottivat aimo askeleen auttaakseen potilaita saavuttamaan paremman hyvinvoinnin ja liikkeen.

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Image from Movement Clinic

Movement Clinic mahdollistaa liikkumisen kohti suurempaa tarkoitusta

Movement Clinic etsii aina keinoja parantaakseen potilaittensa toipumista. Ottaessaan käyttöön Physitrackin he ottivat aimo askeleen auttaakseen potilaita saavuttamaan paremman hyvinvoinnin ja liikkeen.

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Physitrackin käyttöönottovuosi

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